What's On
The Joy of Many Colours - Katherine Multicultural Festival
The Joy of Many Colours - Katherine Multicultural Festival 2024 is a celebration organised by the Connected Women group of the Australian Red Cross in collaboration with our vibrant Katherine community, with the support of the Katherine Town Council and the NTG.
This festival embodies these ideals through three captivating activities:
Multicultural Fashion Show: At the core of our festivities is the multicultural fashion show, a dazzling showcase of the myriad cultures that contribute to Katherine's vibrancy.
Led by the talented Connected Women group and their families, this show will feature over 70 models from our community, representing diverse nationalities, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
These women will display the skills and creations developed in fashion design, hair, and makeup workshops.
Multicultural Food Expo: Following the fashion show, our multicultural food expo will tantalise taste buds with a rich array of flavours and culinary traditions.
A collaborative effort between the Connected Women group and the Katherine Town Council, this expo will offer over 20 cultural dishes from around the globe, totalling more than 100 delectable options.
Attendees will have the opportunity to savour these culinary delights free of charge while immersing themselves in the cultural heritage of each country, guided by knowledgeable cultural representatives.
Live music, a photo wall, and engaging activities for children will further enhance the experience.
For more information, please call Sudip on 0407716343 or email smagar@redcross.org.au
Multicultural Show/Games: The event will also showcase a captivating cultural performance/games curated by migrants, First Nations, and the wider Australian community.
This dynamic presentation will feature mesmerizing performances, interactive cultural games, and engaging activities representing distinct cultural communities, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.